What We Offer
Transform the World of Educational Policy & Practice With the Lexile Framework® for Reading
We partner with 25 state departments of education (DoEs), also known as state education agencies, to help them track progress, communicate to stakeholders and improve student achievement. We can help you with a wide range of products and services, including:
- Linking your state assessment to report student results in Lexile measures.
- Providing data and guidance on tasks such as setting proficiency standards, implementing summer reading initiatives and college and career readiness policies.
- Connecting state Lexile programs with individual classroom instruction and support.
- Forecasting student academic achievement and growth with predictive analytics.
- Conducting ongoing professional learning for state DoE stakeholders as well as educators and parents.
Lexile measures make test scores actionable.
Demonstrate the value of your state accountability program to stakeholders with Lexile measures.
Want to Talk?
Learn more about how Lexile measures can support your state initiatives.